My friend recently posted a very disturbing article on FB about overtly sexual and violent ads. On the eve of Halloween, I had a very similar conversation with my girls about Sexy Halloween costumes. As a woman and a feminist, I am very disturbed with this trend of constantly sexualizing women everywhere. Why can't we not do that?
Advertising world says, sex sells. But at what cost? Do we want our daughters to feel small, meaningless and hopeless in the ad world where all models are size 0, probably unhealthy and overtly modified on magazine overs? I am all about sensuality and enjoying the creativity and art in intimacy; in and out of bedroom. However, there is a very distinct line between sensuality and outright crass, on your face nudity. If the creative genius can only think about a naked woman, dominated by few men, as means to titillate consumers to buy a pair of jeans; he is not really a creative genius.
Why do we have to show women as helpless, damsels in distress; when we are conquering world? Intimate partner violence is a serious issue and not to be used a method to attract customers for a f**** perfume. And what exactly, such ads are saying? Hey, look if you wear this, you can rape a woman and she would be fine? I am utterly upset and disappointed in this so called creativity.
Why is Halloween, "be a slut" card for women? If it's a fun costume, why don't we see those options for women? Why does she have to be sexy "anything" (put anything, literally). It saddens me that in 21st century, when women are leaders and creators and owners, we still need to show them as Barbie dolls, who need a man? (We don't need a man, we want one :-), choice :-)). It saddens me, that in a world, where we praise Malalas of the worlds, we still want to send message to our daughters "you are inferior sex", in one way or the other.
Here is a suggestion for the ad world, why don't you show, a real woman who wears a pair of jeans and works on the farm?? Or a woman who wears your perfume and hugs her students in Kindergarten? Or a woman, who uses your ketchup and enjoys the fries with her friends?? Because, a real woman does all of this using all these products, for the people she cares about.
And as for Halloween, next year I am dressing up as Hillary Clinton! Because that's a real, tough woman who is far more sexy to me than your "sexy nurse" :-)
Advertising world says, sex sells. But at what cost? Do we want our daughters to feel small, meaningless and hopeless in the ad world where all models are size 0, probably unhealthy and overtly modified on magazine overs? I am all about sensuality and enjoying the creativity and art in intimacy; in and out of bedroom. However, there is a very distinct line between sensuality and outright crass, on your face nudity. If the creative genius can only think about a naked woman, dominated by few men, as means to titillate consumers to buy a pair of jeans; he is not really a creative genius.
Why do we have to show women as helpless, damsels in distress; when we are conquering world? Intimate partner violence is a serious issue and not to be used a method to attract customers for a f**** perfume. And what exactly, such ads are saying? Hey, look if you wear this, you can rape a woman and she would be fine? I am utterly upset and disappointed in this so called creativity.
Why is Halloween, "be a slut" card for women? If it's a fun costume, why don't we see those options for women? Why does she have to be sexy "anything" (put anything, literally). It saddens me that in 21st century, when women are leaders and creators and owners, we still need to show them as Barbie dolls, who need a man? (We don't need a man, we want one :-), choice :-)). It saddens me, that in a world, where we praise Malalas of the worlds, we still want to send message to our daughters "you are inferior sex", in one way or the other.
Here is a suggestion for the ad world, why don't you show, a real woman who wears a pair of jeans and works on the farm?? Or a woman who wears your perfume and hugs her students in Kindergarten? Or a woman, who uses your ketchup and enjoys the fries with her friends?? Because, a real woman does all of this using all these products, for the people she cares about.
And as for Halloween, next year I am dressing up as Hillary Clinton! Because that's a real, tough woman who is far more sexy to me than your "sexy nurse" :-)
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