Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Working full time is no fun. Even if you are working with the best employer, good work, wonderful people and relaxed work environment; still you are bound to get tired. It’s not about what you don’t like it’s about that 9 to 5 routine you get your self into. Work gets monotonous and after a while it loses the magic it had. It’s inevitable that you will be starting your work week thinking about week end and especially if it’s a long week end then everyone around you asks you the same question all week “What’s for the week end?”

Americans live for work and I completely agree with this statement. We have few holidays, less breaks, less vacations and lot of work days. Technically being generation Y kid, I should be giving more preference to family over work. (I just read an interesting article about Baby boomers, Gen X and Gen Y people and their work priorities) But I love to work. I think America got into my skin quickly in this regard :)

Anyways the purpose of this post to crib about work and not to say how much I like it :) Well when I am in school I am the happiest person on the earth. Even with loads of assignment, GA work, classes I am very happy as I am busy with all those great new ideas. I can work all week long during school year as it’s always new work, new class, new home work, new project , new research. The new work is always exciting. Spending hours on internet, in library and in instructor’s cabin is totally fantastic as I learn something new constantly. So all the hard work and stress does not matter much. However, when I started working over the summer, there was great excitement in the beginning as I was learning new work, system, sources etc. But soon as I got used to it I became a little tired of the “same old same old” feeling. Work is still good but I just think the initial zeal has gone down. Now many things I can work on even with my eyes closed. I am glad that I could contribute to resources at work and was able to get some backlog done really quickly.

DC is great and I have much fun everyday but still the routine kind of makes me less enthusiastic. Of course the experience is going to be rewarding. Just that I fear, what will happen when I start full time job? Hmmm hope I would be able to keep my zeal even if I need to re charge myself now and then.

Well guys what do you think? DO you feel the same?

1 comment:

Gayatri said...

Rhucha, I somewhat envy you for you can crib about 'work' as now-a days I've got none... :)