Monday, July 12, 2010

Exercising my way to glory!

These days I have fallen back to my routine of working out every day and it feels great. I have always been a sports person, since my school days. But after being in US for six years, my exercise routine has gone hay-wards. Sometimes, I would follow rigorous routine the other times it just falls apart. But now, since we moved to Michigan I have decided to take the opportunity of free time at hand get back right on track, where I belong (pun intended!)

These days, I get up way early than I used to. I have morning tea, send V to work and then read news for some time. Then, I do some warm up at home and then I go to gym which is conveniently located in the current apartment complex. In Tempe, my good friends P showed me basic routines one can follow in a gym. Another good friend of mine who had lost about 20 pounds gave me some more tips to help increase stamina, such as running aerobic routines on trade mill. Following, their advice I work out for about one and half hour everyday. It included running, cycling, light weights and of course 20 minutes of yoga. While machines and weights help to build muscle yoga helps to keep my body light. I have lost flexibility over time which I am on my way to regain in coming months. My stamina seems to be getting better. When I come back from exercise I feel rejuvenated and happy. I am not behind any kind of weight reduction or fat burning per se. What I want to is to be fit and be energetic throughout the day. The exercise routine has also helped me to improve my sleeping habits. No more 1 o' clock in the night moves or eating at midnight. I sleep early and rise early and feel relaxed and fresh all the time.

I also read lot of health magazines and try to incorporate some of the exercises they suggest and some of the food routines. Of course, there is lot to improve. But one thing for sure, this routine makes me less susceptible to frustrations and crazy thoughts. I think about how I can improve my health and V's through better cooking and diet. Surely, I feel good about myself. I hope this will continue as I plan to take zumba classes once we are settled in our new place.

Until the zumba, gym is a great way to keep my mind and body sound.

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