Monday, July 30, 2012

Dance with Me

Have you seen the Tango scene from "Take the Lead"? If not, do it right now. If you don't get swiped by it, I will lose anything. That's my all time favorite choreography and I watch it everyday. Dance, just by watching it takes me to the seventh heaven. If you love dancing as much as I do, you know what I am talking about.

I love to dance and choreograph. Dancing is like a drug to me or should I say the never ending trip to the heaven. It makes me feel powerful, amazing, relaxed and happy. I dance when I am sad, I dance when I am happy. In every moment of my life, I feel like dancing. When I was learning classical dance in India, it was the best time in my life. I used to wait for weekends when I could go practice and learn. It was exhausting and exhilarating, the same time. As soon as I hear music, I can't stop. I just put on my dancing shoes and I dance.

I have always been like this. Some people do drugs, I do dance :-) I find peace and solace in dancing. Every time life throws a curve ball and I can't hit it, I know I will find my pinch-hitter in dancing. When I dance, I forget everything. It doesn't matter if I am at club or on stage or at someone's home; all I can feel is music and me moving with it. Dance takes away all inhibitions, worries and frustrations. It provides only pleasure. Every type of dance classical, folk, ballroom, south american and so on an so forth. has its unique style and experience. Dancing with someone is equally beautiful. If you are game, I will take you out for a dance :-)

In my family, we all dance. Of course we are not Madhuri Dixits or Prabhudevas but we love to tap our feet to the music. I guess, dancing together with friends and family brings you closer in a wonderful way. Age, gender nothing matters. All matters is you response to the music. I have may friends who are not great dancers but are very enthusiastic dancers. I admire that. You don't have to be Michael Jackson to enjoy your time on the floor. To enjoy it, all you have to do is put your heart in it and you will find the place where you have never been before.

For some reason, many of my male friends shy away from floor. I tell them, 'just do it once and you will realize what you are missing'. I dance like no one is watching, and you do it too. To all my single male friends, girls like guys who dance. So even if you are no Gene Kelly, get your grove and you will find the 'magic'.

Dancing is sensuous and beautiful. And only if you dance, you know the difference between sensuality and vulgarity. As Antonio Banderas says in "Take the Lead" , "Your daughters will learn how to trust a man and you sons will learn how to touch a woman, respectfully". That's the beauty of dance. I find my freedom while dancing. May be you will find something too. So will you dance with me?

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Man enough??

I just finished reading NY Times post about whether today's men are manly enoughAre modern men manly enough? That totally got me thinking about whole concept of manly man. Some of the author their have view of traditional masculine roles and how having them makes someone manly and of course the whole new change that the new century brought in form of "Metrosexual" man. While I do agree with some traditional notions, I do get the metrosexuality too. But I agree with Lawrence Scholassman when he says" being manly is lifestyle." So true.

With new era, we have changed the definitions of gender roles. I don't care about a man who can kill a deer or fix a tire and show no emotions, whatsoever ( Well , nothing wrong with either of those activities. But if you think that's what makes you a man, then 'sigh') . I think for me masculinity is about taking charge of one's life and destiny. And anyone; man or woman can be man enough if they do it. Like any other girl, I have seen my father as the manly man. He would lift things, do the traditional man-jobs but I have seen him buying groceries and help mom in kitchen. I have seen him put oil in my hair, talk about everything and share food (or should I say, eat what I did not eat) and show emotions while watching "White Christmas". I think he is the man's man. Growing up, I have seen traditional men doing nothing at home except sitting in front of television and ordering wife around, and saying "I can't do this, because I am a man". Phew! 

 As I made many friends (boys) over the years, I saw them taking charge of their lives and yet being sensible, sensitive and accepting things like they cry when no one is looking. I adore that. Accept that you have a heart and a brain and at times you need someone to tell you "it's ok". Man traditionally, a provider, needs someone to provide for him too. And not just money and food but love and affection and friendship and laughter. I think men who get it, are real men. I have seen V doing everything at home and not even thinking about it as something "not manly enough". I have a friend who admits that he is scared of spiders and lets me kill them :-) But all these boys I know, are funny, sensible and thoughtful. I think they are very masculine. I think being a man is about accepting who you are. For me, being a man, is about doing your own thinking and acting on it and taking responsibility. Whether you do it with a chainsaw in your hand or a cooking pan; doesn't matter. 

Of course, sometimes I think these days some men are into a little too much grooming. I have seen men with perfect tan, and nails and amazingly coordinated outfits. I find it a little over the top. But as long as they are "man enough" to admit that they enjoy it; I support them. I think being a man is so much more about being a good human being. If you are a good person, I don't care if you cried on your wedding day or had a new haircut at the spa or got your nails done or bought a pink shirt. In my book, you are a "Man".

Sunday, July 8, 2012

I love getting a haircut. I have always been the "short hair" girl since I was a child. Of course, few years ago I decided to give it a shot and grow my hair out. Well, the experiment was not too unsuccessful as I could grow them out; but then again it's just not me. So I decided to chop them off and I might the first bride in history who chopped off her hair just one day before the wedding. Reason, I just like the feeling to being light. Oh yes, cutting them off makes me feel light and happy. :-)

I don't visit salons often and I don't visit them to do anything else but to cut my hair. For a while I wanted to look like Mariska Hargitay (whom I admire a lot but no way I am as gorgeous as her). So I tried different styles she had. From bob to spikes! It was an experimentation phase and I was having way too much fun with that. In fact I realized, I can carry spikes pretty well. Of course, I need to be a little more enthusiastic everyday to work on hair and apply the products. But the spike was quite fun and I was told in DMV office to get the new ID picture with the new cut since I looked 'very cute' (blushing :-)!) . I was in Mariska phase in Arizona. When I moved to A2; it was a little different. I found a really great place that cater to the clients the best. They are all young stylists, funny, good at their work and of course not too expensive. So I decided I will do something else again. This time I wanted to look like Ellen Degenres (again, not as amazing as her but nevertheless) So I cut them short short. And it was quite fantastic. I felt light and cool. What's it about hair that changes your perspective about yourself? My stylist told me that I should probably get some funky hair color. But I was not sure of that. I told her I will do that if I go back to school. Professionally, it doesn't look good. But still changing hair again made me feel fantastic. 

I think like your clothes and shoes, your hair speak a lot about yourself. For some reason, all the powerful and strong women I admire, have short hair. Somehow for me "short hair = strong woman". And of course, short hair means less work every day. You can just wash and wear. For me short hair also means I rebel. There may not be a relation between what I feel and how I look but it makes me feel strong and different. These days I am in Cate Blanchett phase (again I love her and admire her fantastic work). All my role models are strong, successful and independent women who carry themselves so well that even with simple jeans and a casual haircut they announce their presence. May be I will be like them one day but for now I will take the Hair :-)